Article Of The Day From

June 1, 2006

Got Traffic?

Filed under: accelerated traffic, alexa, Articles, Web Traffic, Website Traffic — dugancom @ 3:02 am

Got Traffic? by D. David Dugan

 Everyone wants a web business. Well, not everyone, but a lot of people want to quit their day job and be able to work at home in front of their computer and make their living while being able to spend time with their families.

But how does that happen? Of course you have to have a website. That’s a start. And of course you need something to sell there. That would be a good step. But once you have a product and a website, the people will start coming to your website and buying stuff right?

Well, not exactly. The “build it and they will come” philosophy only works in movies about baseball. You have to do a few things to get customers. Of course you can submit to the search engines for traffic, but that takes time and is never guaranteed to send your website traffic. You aren’t even guaranteed to be indexed when you submit your website. Although this is a necessary step, it may not answer all your traffic needs.

You could trade links with other websites to get traffic. However, you need to trade links with a website that is already getting a lot of traffic for enough people to go there, then a few of them click your link and go to your website. Most websites that have a lot of traffic don’t want to trade links with someone with a website that has no traffic.

You could buy advertising on other websites. Again, you need to buy advertising on a website that is related to your topic and one that has a lot of traffic. Most webmasters are very proud of their traffic and charge a lot of money for you to advertise there. So unless you have a pretty hefty budget, you may not be ready for buying advertising just yet.

So, how do I get traffic for my website? I’m glad you asked. Again, you do need to submit your website to the search engines. That will probably get some traffic to your website in the long run.

But in the meantime you may need to purchase bulk traffic from a good source. There are several companies out there who offer to sell you traffic, but you need to be smart about it and not buy just any traffic. If the traffic you buy for your website is not geared or targeted toward your topic or product, then all you will do is spend money and get no one to buy your product or service.

Some websites sell popup, popunder, or exit traffic. What that means is they have websites out there that whenever someone goes to the website, a popup or popunder is sent to them advertising your website or it can be an window with your website actually inside of it.

If you purchase this sort of traffic you will definitely see hits to your website. The question is which popunder or popup traffic to buy. You need to make sure the company you are buying from is reputable. The wrong traffic to your website can penalize you with the search engines and hurt you in the long run.

In addition to that as I said above, the wrong traffic will not convert to sales anyway so it is a waste of your money. You need to find a company that is selling you targeted traffic. You need to be sure they have the type of traffic you want for your website. If one company does not have traffic that is specifically targeted toward your topic, product, or service, find another one.

However, keep in mind that you need to know who you are targeting. You need to understand who your buyers are. Many times your buyers may not come from a website that is related to your topic. If you are offering a general service or product, you may only need to make sure the traffic is coming from the countries you want it to come from. If your website is all in english, you might not want 100,000 visits from people in China.

Do your homework to make sure the company selling the traffic is legitimate, that the traffic is from the right countries, and that the traffic is traffic you can convert and popunder or popup traffic can get you started making sales in as little as one day or one hour!

D. David Dugan personally helps to maintain the DD&C Spyware Information site and often uses traffic from

Article Source:

May 28, 2006

How Do I Get Traffic to My Website Right Now?

Filed under: accelerated traffic, alexa, Articles, Web Traffic, Website Traffic — dugancom @ 2:50 am

How Do I Get Traffic to My Website Right Now? by D. David Dugan

 Okay, I have my website built. Its beautiful! It has all of my adsense, yahoo publisher, affiliate program code in it or it has all of my products and services I provide in it, so what’s next? Okay, let’s wait. Checking my stats . . . nope, no one visited my website today. Maybe tomorrow.

After about a month of this, you start to wonder, “Why isn’t my website getting any traffic?” “My website is better than all my competitors”. “I have lower prices and better products”. “Where is all the traffic that guy that designed my website said I was going to get?” “And that SEO Guru that charged me $1500, where is he now?”

Then you search the webmaster forums and they all tell you, “Be Patient, it takes time for the search engines to index your pages”. They each give you different advice on how to get traffic for your website, but which of them do you listen to? And what if you don’t want to be patient? What if you want traffic right now?

There are ways to get traffic to your website immediately. There are a lot of reasons why someone needs traffic right away, like testing out their sales pitch to see how well they are converting traffic into sales for there website. Or testing to see how many people per 100 will click on the contextual ads where you currently have them placed on your website.


One of the best ways to get traffic to your website right away is to buy that traffic. I am not talking about banner ads at the top of other people’s pages that nobody clicks on. I’m not talking about emailing a thousand webmasters and begging them to trade links with you. I’m not talking about buying links on other webpages or submitting your link to link farms and spam pages where even if you did get traffic to your website, you still would not make any sales.

I’m talking about popunder traffic. If your website is fairly new you need to listen to this. It will take time for your webpages to get indexed by the search engines so that is not going to drive traffic to your website in a short period of time.

"If Mohammed cannot go to the mountain, then the mountain must come to Mohammed.” In other words, until the search engines index your webpages or other websites begin to link to you, people cannot come to your website because they don’t know where it is.

So you take the mountain to Mohammed. By purchasing popunder traffic, your webpage is displayed to as many people as you want. When they go to websites they already know about and know how to find, your website piggybacks that website they are visiting by popping up underneath the website they are viewing.

As soon as they close that page, they are now at your webpage. Now you have visitors and it’s up to your websites design and conversion ability to turn those customers into sales.

When you buy this kind of traffic, its like throwing a switch. They can turn that traffic on in minutes. If you use a real-time stat counter you can see the number of visits to your website. You can also target the type of traffic you want for your website and you can choose what country you want the traffic to come from.

You want traffic to your website right now? Go get it!

D. David Dugan personally helps to maintain the DD&C Spyware Information site and often uses traffic from

Article Source:

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